Trying To Get Inspired Here!!

Have you ever had a day or week when it seemed all you did was run from doing one thing to the next?  There just didn’t seem to be any downtime, much less time to get inspired and actually write anything.  When we get really stressed our creativity suffers, after a few days of that we start to feel strained, stressed, or down.

So what do you do to get inspired?  For me inspiration can come in many forms, a good book, a blog post, a commercial or television show, nice weather, stormy weather, a song, there are unlimited ways to get inspired if you stop and notice.  My problem is when I get busy I rush past things and don’t see what is right in front of me.

It’s a good reminder to not get so busy that you miss things.  I think we are all guilty of that at some point.  Life offers fresh ideas, new dreams, refreshing thoughts and moments, as well as little miracles each day and it all gets lost when we make a habit of just rushing through.

 Yesterday I watched a squirrel playing with our dog.  The squirrel was staying in the tree just above the dog as he ran in circles barking and leaping up into the air happily pointing out that there was a furry little intruder in his tree. 

Meanwhile, the squirrel sat watching the dog wear himself out while munching happily on a pecan which he finished then chunked at the dog.  The dog began sniffing all over the ground searching frantically for the nut.

In the mean time, the squirrel ran up the tree, leaped the branches, landed in another tree, went down that tree and up over the next door neighbors fence. 

The dog couldn’t figure out where the squirrel went, and while he had been busy running around and chasing the bait, the actual prize went out of sight. 

Don’t lose sight of the goals and dreams you have in the busyness of everyday life. 

Cherry Coley ©